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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

A touch of home and a new appreciation for our sisters: Catch up Camryn and her summer!

Although my summer plans are far different than I imagined, these unexpected changes have been a blessing in disguise. During the school year, it is so easy to get caught up in school work, events, and friends, so much that it can become overwhelming. But, we’re college students and this is our time to create memories and build long lasting friendships. This much needed downtime has reminded me to take a step back, slow down, and appreciate the things I have in my life.

This summer I have been able to spend some much needed time with my family. Going away to college, I was so excited to move away from home and “step out on my own”, even if it was only an hour away. Of course I call and text all the time, but how often have I really made room to spend quality time with my family once I moved away? Not as often as I’d like, but this isn’t limited to just my family. How often do I slow down and just appreciate the time I’m able to spend with my friends, my sisters? Alpha Delta Pi has been my home away from home. They’ve become my family and I definitely take them for granted.

Since I’ve been home, I’ve been able to appreciate the little things more. Whether it’s taking the time to text a sister and say “I’ve been thinking of you, how are you doing?” or a random Facetime with my best friend, Katya, I’ve been able to appreciate the random everyday things that I often overlook. This time has made me love this sisterhood more than I did before, which is a lot. Knowing that I can post a random thought to our Facebook page or send a Snapchat in a giant group chat and always get a response and have someone to share that with is something I often overlook.

I am so lucky to say that ADPi has brought me so much joy since I’ve joined. I always have someone to lean on, to make me smile, or just to simply have fun! It’s similar to the saying, you always want what you can’t have, and what I want most is to spend time with my sisters. These past few months have been anything but ordinary, but my appreciation has grown so much for my sisters and I cannot wait to see them in person this fall.

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