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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Catch up with Isabella: A Snowy Sedona Fall Break

Hello Everyone! My name is Isabella, and I am a junior in ADPi. I joined the chapter in Fall of 2019. Currently, I am the Director of Ritual Education, so for those who don’t know me, you have probably seen my face a few times!

It has been so refreshing being back in person, not only for my classes but for sorority life as well! I can safely say that this year has already been a whirlwind of emotions. One of the most rewarding things I have done so far this school year was to be a Rho Gamma. As much as I missed the chapter, being able to work with Panhellenic and bond with sisters outside of Alpha Delta Pi was an amazing experience. It truly brought back memories of when I was a Freshman going through recruitment. The best moment I would say, however, was being able to re-affiliate with ADPi and see everyone again. I don’t think I had ever felt more love in my entire life compared to when I came back to the chapter. I also cannot believe the full force of events we have had so far! I kind of forgot what it was like to be back in person after almost two years of being away, but I have loved every minute of it.

Even though a lot of things have been positive this semester, it still has been stressful. I decided to take 22 credits, and so far, I have come to regret it! The coursework has been interesting, but all I was looking forward to was fall break. My freshman year roommates and I have a tradition that we do for fall break every year: we go camping in Sedona! We actually found the campsite we go to by mistake. Freshman year we were researching all of these beautiful campgrounds, and we thought we found one that would be perfect. It was in the woods, and it had a creek running through it. However, when we plugged in the address and drove up there, we were still in the heavy desert and there was no official campground. We came straight to a dead end by a Horse Ranch and only saw a few RVs. We decided to keep driving up towards Flagstaff in hopes of finding a place to stay. Luckily, we ended up coming to this stretch of road past Sedona that has three campsites and a coffee shop on the side of the highway. We were able to get a spot at the last site we passed, and ever since then, we always go there. I always love going up into the woods. For some odd reason it reminds me of home, even though I am from farmlands, so it doesn’t really make sense. Maybe it is because the leaves start to change and the air has a nip in it. I never feel more relaxed or calm compared to when I am here. This fall break was a little different than our prior trips. We worked the weekend and left Monday morning at 6 to get a spot. The drive went super fast, but we ended up getting to the campsite too early! We have always been late in the past. After we got to the campsite and set it up, we took a nap, ate, and went on a hike. When we got back we started a fire and got set up for the night. We were expecting a ton of rain to hit, which made us nervous because the tent only had a mesh ceiling with a rain tarp to go on top. Despite our nerves, we watched High School Musical that night and went to bed. Unfortunately, around 11 o’clock, a thunderstorm hit and we got water all in the tent! But, what was worse is that it got so cold during the night that the rain turned into snow. All I remember was waking up during many parts of the night and getting pelted by snow. Because of this we left at around 8:30 the next morning and drove up to Flagstaff to get brunch at the Owl Cafe. It was 28 degrees! I know I am from the Midwest, but I never expected it to be that chilly already!

My fall break plans may not have gone exactly as planned, but it was still the perfect break with a few good stories to tell!

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