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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Final Recruitment thoughts from Amanda’s perspective.

As the start of recruitment season begins to close in, it makes me remember a lot of the emotions I went through as both a PNM and a Recruiter.

When I went through recruitment my freshman year, I set my sights on the girls that I knew would embrace me just as much as I would embrace them. I looked toward the girls that raved on about the friends they’ve made, lit up at the sight of my hidden tattoo, loved the same music as me, and seemed to embrace everything I had to offer with open arms.

I ended up exactly where I was supposed to be.

When I recruited for the first time, I knew going in what my ultimate goal would be. I wanted to show each girl that I talked to that it wasn’t about trying to prove yourself, making yourself look as perfect as you can be, or trying to force any sort of connection.

It was about making friends.

The rounds went on and I continually pushed for me and the girls I spoke to to actually talk about our lives outside of everything that was going on around us. I learned about so many different music tastes, hobbies, and random fun facts that I didn’t even know where to store all the information. It was amazing.

And as we go into this next recruitment season, my goal will still be the same.

From recruitment last year, I made friends with girls that ended up in so many different chapters and many that ended up in my own. What still surprises me today is that whenever I’m out and about, girls will still come up to me and rave on about the random conversation we had during the second round.

At the end of the day, those connections that I’ve made throughout this process are one’s that will last a lifetime and I’m so lucky to share those memories with so many others.

Not only am I excited to do it all over again, but I’m even more excited for the girls within my chapter and all the other’s who haven’t gotten to experience it yet.

I was chatting with a sister the other day, Alexis DeVries, about her experience as a PNM and her story is one that I will never forget.

She was in the middle of a round at our chapter and felt like she had begun to ramble to her eventual big, Brenna. She stopped herself, but Brenna encouraged her to keep going on and to continue talking about what makes her happy.

That’s what recruitment is about for me and I cannot wait for everyone else to get to see what makes it so special.

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