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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

New Member Friday’s: Meet Alpha Class ’20 pt. 2!

The Gamma Rho chapter of Alpha Delta Pi is overjoyed to announce that we welcomed home 87 new members between our Fall Formal Recruitment and Fall Open Recruitment! Each Alpha has brought a unique aspect to the table and we can’t wait to share that with you all!

In this mini series, we want to give all our readers a chance to get to know our new Alpha’s in the way that we did so you can see why we love them as much we do.

We asked our Alphas…

What drew you Arizona State?

They said…

Like many, I didn’t know where I wanted to go to school. My dad wanted me to tour some West Coast schools and I decided to take a chance to come to Arizona State for a tour. As soon as I stepped foot on campus, I knew that I had to come here! My attraction to ASU grew as I learned more about the degree programs through W.P. Carey and Barrett. I am so excited to be here and I am excited to see where I can go at ASU! -Stephanie

Arizona State was always one of my top choices because of how well renowned their nursing program is! Coming from Tucson, ASU welcomed me with open arms. So far, it’s a great community that has allowed me to grow and become the best woman I can be. I am excited for all to come and to see what opportunities ASU can bring me. -Annalize

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2,356 miles doesn’t seem like that big a deal now that I’m at ASU. Living in New Jersey, so many people were stunned that I was okay with being far from home. However, after touring campus and going to a football game, I saw how happy everyone was to be here. I couldn’t help but fall in love. Every student was overflowing with school spirit. I didn’t want to even leave the game, let alone say yes to any other school! Now, I love ASU more than I do home, and I’m elated that the distance didn’t scare me off. -Braelyn

Figuring out what college I wanted to go to required a lot of traveling. Initially, I wanted warm and big because I was tired of winters, which made my mom think of the University of Arizona. I suggested ASU instead and we decided we would take a tour. It was the first college I visited and I loved the vibe and people. I visited 14 other colleges, and ASU always stuck out to me. WP Carey is a great business school and made the decision easy. Being a sophomore this year I know I made the right decision. -Maryclare

I chose ASU because of the numerous opportunities in degree programs and the warm weather. As I am a girl from a small town in North Dakota, Arizona State was so appealing. As soon as I set foot on campus, I knew it was home. From the palm trees and architecture to the students, ASU will always be my home. Whenever I’m going to the Memorial Union or Hayden Library, I take a second to look around and appreciate the beauty of our wonderful campus. I also came to ASU for the career development opportunities in the business and law fields. However, I have now decided to go to medical school, but ASU will help me in that aspiration as well. -McKenzie

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