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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Social Distance With Us: 8 of our favorite activities to do while “passing the time”.

As the school year pushes forward and we adjust to everything new that’s going on around us, our sisters have found that they have more free time on their hands than ever before. While it’s easy to get sucked into watching Netflix or Tik Tok all day, we’ve made an effort to find new ways to pass time. Here’s a list of 8 activites our sisters have been doing to keep busy while social distancing.

  1. Cooking

As much as we love being home and enjoying home cooked foods from our parents, freshman, Annika Leal, has been utilizing this time to learn how to cook new recipes every other day. “It is fun to make a twist on them if maybe you don’t have all the ingredients or aren’t able to get them. I think it’s also fun to learn how to make smoothies or other drinks.”

  1. Exercising

One of our favorite activities to do during this time is to get active. Being stuck in the same place all day can grow to be a challenge and senior, Makayla Henson, found that her favorite thing to do is practice yoga. “I found some videos on youtube that I follow, and it’s helped me feel more balanced and at peace! There are so many different videos online, so I feel like I am always trying new poses and skills!”

  1. Crafts

With endless DIY’s on Pinterest, some of our sisters have been busy trying out new things to pass the time. Freshman, Katerina Houser, has been spending her time painting signs for her little and freshman, Elena Landers, created her own neon sign.

  1. Sewing Masks

With the shortage of medical face masks going on in the country, many citizens have been sewing their own masks and donating them. Freshman, Katie Davis, has been spending her time sewing masks and donating them to help the fight.

  1. Self Care

One of the most important things for our sisters during this time is to make sure we focus on taking care of ourselves, whether it’s doing a face mask like junior, Shelby Brown, or practicing new hair and makeup skills like sophomore, Alissan Spiedel.

6. Netflix Parties and Zoom

Even though we can’t be with our sisters in person, we’ve found many new ways to connect with everyone online, whether it’s watching something on Netflix as a group or setting up a zoom meeting to catch up. For Freshman, Olivia Holderness, she even uses Facetime as a way to connect with sisters and “spill the tea”.

7. Bullet Journaling

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While there isn’t much to plan for, some of our sisters have turned to bullet journaling during this time as a way to stay crafty and structured at the same time. Freshman, Kelsey Roberts, has used her bullet journal as a new way to relax and keep the structure in her life going.

  1. Discovering New Music

With the days going on, one of the biggest things our sisters like to do is follow what new music is coming out next. For Junior, Briana Fontanez, she likes to discover new music whenever she’s not playing video games. Some of our sisters even use this time to make new playlists. Sophomore, Amanda Montini, has used this time to touch up old playlists and create new playlists for drives and when she goes hiking.

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