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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Study with Gamma Rho: Our tips on studying for finals and how to de-stress.

As the semester comes to its end, things have begun to get busy for our sisters. Finals are less than a week away and the stress of finishing up classes has picked up.

In honor of the year coming to a quick end, our sisters took the time to share some of their personal studying tips that have helped to lead them to success.

The first tip from our sisters is to always review notes taken in class as a way to refresh any hidden memories.

“I like to hand write my notes because it helps me retain information better. At the end of the semester, I go through my notes and type them up unit by unit so I have a clear outline of all of the information and it helps me re-learn it. I highlight important vocab and titles in one color and points I’m still unclear about in another color. Then, I have all of my notes all organized to help me fill out study guides,” said Freshman Annette Aronoff.

The second tip from our sisters is to use visuals to help bring the material to life.

“I like to study quizlets and play interactive games. It helps to make memorization much more fun and I tend to do better on tests every time I do it,” said Sophomore Mallory Grace.

The third tip our sisters have is to stay focused whenever you are studying.

“Make a study schedule (and stick to it) to break up your work!” said Junior Katya Komarnyckyj.

As we continue to push forward and finish the year strong, our sisters look back on times when we studied together on campus.

“Last spring, Lindsey and I would go to the Polytechnic campus and would study anatomy together even though we had different teachers,” said Junior Hannah Hayes.

One of the best parts of our sisterhood is the ability to always study with a friend or even a group of sisters on campus. It’s one of our favorite things to do during the year and keeps us all focused while having fun at the same time.

In addition to studying together, our sisters also make sure to allow time to de-stress. The best way to remain focused is to take breaks and our sisters have lots of quick, enjoyable de-stressing tips for when things seem to not be adding up.

“I’ve been de-stressing by taking breaks to learn new hobbies! Right now, I’m learning how to make letter shirts,” said Junior Elizabeth Harris.

Our sisters also enjoy using break time to go on Tik Tok, work out, listen to music, draw, go swimming, tan, and even bake.

“Take the time to work out whenever you can. It helps to get some of that anxious energy out!” said Senior Rachel Proctor Murphy.

We’ve had such a blast this year and regardless of if our sisters are together or not, we will always stick together to help each other get through finals. We cannot wait to be back with each other again this fall and continue to grow our sisterhood through coffee dates, study sessions, and even the occasional Tik Tok dance video.

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