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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

You Get What You Give: Alli’s Blog Takeover

You know all the cheesy lines that sorority girls tell you when explaining how great their sorority experience has been? Things that make joining a sorority sound so easy like, “just be yourself” or “trust the process.” I always questioned these statements and thought, aren’t these things intuitive? But, it took joining a sorority and starting my own journey to realize that these aren’t just statements that girls pull from the back of their heads when they run out of things to talk about. They really are true, and I even found myself my own cheesy line that I full-heartedly stand behind.

“You get what you give.”

Wow, I know, groundbreaking. But hear me out. There was a time last year in the fall, when I was having second thoughts about being in a sorority. I felt like I didn’t have enough connections with my sisters to justify staying in my chapter. Sure, I had my few close friends and roommates but outside of them, I felt like I didn’t know most of the girls in my chapter. I thought, why am I spending so much time being in a sorority, if I couldn’t honestly tell someone who the girl sitting next to me at chapter’s favorite boy band is? Or where she was from, or what comes up on her Tik Tok ‘for you page’? I decided that I needed to get more involved. (And figure out what that girl’s favorite boy band is, but that could wait for a later time.)

So, I began talking to more sisters outside of my close friends. I shook off my anxious feelings when my roommate would tell me that she wasn’t going to the philanthropy event that night. Instead, I turned my fears into opportunities to have to get to know more sisters. Eventually, I began to know more about the sisters who I had never talked to before. I even began to know who the Jo-bros girls were, and which ones were directioners. I finally was beginning to feel closer to my chapter, but still had a lingering feeling of doubt.

One of the main reasons I wanted to join a sorority was for connections, and not only social ones, but professional connections too. I wanted to be able to put being in a sorority down under the “experience” tab on my resume, and not just the “extracurriculars.” That opportunity presented itself to me at the time that I least expected it. I was fresh off of a mental breakdown after being rejected for my dream on-campus job and was realizing I hadn’t gotten enough experience during my college years. But as I was wiping my tears, I saw a new email from our chapter president. I was being appointed to our “Digital Marketing Specialist” position, and suddenly I knew there was a deeper reasoning for this opportunity. It was what I had been asking for, an opportunity to not only gain career experience, but make deeper connections with all of my sisters.

Now, just over two weeks of my new leadership role, I finally feel like I have my purpose within this chapter. And as cheesy and dumb as it sounds, I am receiving nothing but love from my chapter, while giving it everything I have. I feel so lucky to have made some of the best memories from my college experience with Alpha Delta Pi and my sisters, and can’t wait to make so many more with my last year. So, if you are considering joining a sorority, take that leap of faith and refrain from rolling your eyes when you are told to trust the process. If I wouldn’t have done so, I would’ve never gotten to meet my best friends, or have my position within my chapter. Your sorority experience will be everything you make it to be, and if you’re lucky, it can end up being better than you could’ve ever imagined.

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