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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Ari’s Why ADPi

Going into recruitment in my Junior year, I did not have high hopes. It was nerve wracking going through recruitment older than most girls; however, I was more concerned with finding a sisterhood with girls who loved me for me. Throughout my entire life, I had a lot of issues with friends in school. I suffered from bullying for most of my grade school career, and I could not keep a friend. It was not because I was mean or spiteful, just because I had rampant ADHD like no other. Now I will be honest, I am not the first to say that I am A LOT to handle. If you have ever met me, you know that I am loud and proud. I embrace this, but for others, it is intimidating or plain uncomfortable. Throughout my first two years at ASU, I was experiencing the same thing. I had gone through recruitment in my sophomore year but dropped, eventually regretting it. So, in the fall of my junior year, I gave it one more shot. My parents did not want a repeat of the previous year, where I was in shambles because I thought nobody liked me. I told them that this is something I needed to see through.

 I ended up receiving a bid from ADPi, and joining their sisterhood was the best decision I have ever made. When I went through recruitment, every conversation I had with a member flowed endlessly and time passed by. I found a connection with every member that I talked to. I confidently shared my concerns about joining a sorority because of my past, but I knew that these girls were truly dedicated to each other. The chapter’s commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of its members is a quality I sought after for so long. During each round, I was able to be 100% myself and people enjoyed talking to me, something I had not felt for a long time. Their sisterhood shined through them like a beam of light, and I knew that ADPi was for me. Specifically, I owe a thank you to the two girls I had the honor of talking to during recruitment. In each round, our conversation soared, and we laughed harder than I had in a while. Most importantly it was comfortable, and I felt like I had known these girls for ages. Fast forward to now, almost a year in the chapter, I want to shout out my Big, Jasmine Dante, for being the best big ever, and to my two best girlies, Elsa Alexander & Maggie Hosier, I am so lucky to have you two and this sisterhood. I have made more friends than I could have ever imagined, and I am the happiest I have ever been. I am so thankful for ADPi, even if it is only for a short time.

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