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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Kelsey’s Why ADPi

As someone who went through our last fully in-person, formal recruitment experience prior to the pandemic, there has been a lot of time to reflect upon my experiences. Both during recruitment and now as an active member, “we live for each other” has taken on some new and important meanings for me!

When it comes to recruitment, I did not really understand the importance of finding your home until I was in Alpha Delta Pi. Round after round, I found myself taking a sigh of relief once I walked through the doors and began talking with a new sister. I was able to let down my guard, be myself, and never felt the pressure to be someone who I was not because Alpha Delta Pi loved me for me. Going through recruitment can be a very emotionally and physically exhausting journey as you spend hours getting acquainted with so many amazing women and begin to fall in love with their chapter. That being said, Alpha Delta Pi always had a way of reviving my energy levels because each sister welcomed me with the biggest smile and genuinely wanted to know how I was doing. I remember during Philanthropy Round, I was assigned to visit ADPi late that night and I had been a bit down and feeling lost about recruitment in general. However, I walked away from my conversations that night feeling the love and validation I needed; feeling wanted was exactly what I had been looking for and had not even realized. That night was the first time I experienced the power of “we live for each other” and knew it was the kind of sisterhood I wanted to be a part of forever!

Since joining the Gamma Rho chapter, I have been amazed at the sheer strength and resilience of our chapter despite every difficult circumstance thrown our way. I was thinking the other day about how the majority of my membership experience in ADPi has been online during the pandemic. Despite its ever-changing nature, my sisters have truly remained a constant in my life and I am forever grateful for them. I lived in the Greek Leadership Village this past year and while I was honestly apprehensive at first, given how much social anxiety I had developed during quarantine, having those women is what got me through this past year. They brought me out of my comfort zone in ways that I needed and would not have gone out of my way to do on my own. Whether it was asking me to go on a quick walk to Dutch or having lunch and watching the Bachelorette, I always knew someone was looking out for me even if I didn’t realize I needed it. “We live for each other” is not just a motto, but it really is a way of life in Alpha Delta Pi; I cannot give enough thanks to all of my sisters for helping each other get through this insanely hard time in all of our lives. I am beyond excited for what we have in store this semester and can’t wait to safely see everyone in-person again soon!

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