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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

The Sisterhood of My Dream’s: Jacqueline’s Story

Having older brothers and growing up being the only girl in my house, I wanted nothing more than to have a sister. When it was finally time for me to enter college, my desire to have a sister heightened even more. This time, however, I could actually do something about it. I think that when you think about a sorority, you automatically think of a sisterhood, but it can be quite hard to measure whether or not that sisterhood is really genuine. From what I’ve discovered, it is.

During my first semester of my freshman year, I wasn’t sure whether or not I wanted to go through the recruitment process. I didn’t know if I would have the time to do it with school and my various other extracurricular activities. To be quite honest, I also didn’t know if sorority life was truly for me, so ultimately, I decided to wait it out. Over the course of the semester, I saw how much my friends who were in sororities enjoyed it. It took my roommate Katie, who constantly encouraged me to go through spring recruitment, to convince me to do it.

When I first met the sisters in Alpha Delta Pi, I immediately picked up on how genuine and warm-hearted they were. Every time I was in a room with them I was always greeted with a smile, and Alpha Delta Pi really won my heart over when I realized that it was a place where I could be myself and build friendships that would last a lifetime. It truly felt like my home away from home. 

When I am with my sisters, I am always having fun. Whether it be just simply hanging out with them at our sisterhood events or impromptu trips to the mall, there is never a dull moment. I think that if I have learned anything over the course of my time in college, it is that life is short and every moment in it is a blessing, especially those spent in the company of loved ones. I am forever grateful that I have been able to spend those cherished moments surrounded by the sisters I always wanted but never had.

 I am not sure where I would be today if I had not decided to go through recruitment. My advice to anyone who has thought about going through recruitment would be to do it! You just might be missing out on something so special if you don’t. 

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