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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Breaking the “jitters”: Alissan’s Why ADPI

During high school, the concept of joining a sorority never even crossed my mind. I wanted friends, but I never knew anyone in a sorority and never knew the benefits of it, therefore it wasn’t in my mind set. Coming to ASU as a transfer, I wasn’t confident in myself to go through formal recruitment, but was contemplating joining a sorority, so I took my first semester to decide whether that was really what I wanted or not.

Come Spring semester, I had decided I wanted to join a sorority. I went to the Spring showcase for all of the sororities and talked to a lot of people, but it was different when I approached the Alpha Delta Pi table. It was my first time meeting anyone from the sorority, and talking with Emily, I felt like I was seeing a friend that I had known for years. We immediately found common ground and I left that event feeling as if I had had that “aha” moment that people say they experience and I was excited to learn more about the organization and to meet more people.

Going to the first ADPi Spring recruitment event, I was so nervous. Not even ten minutes into the conversation with Carson and Bri, though, I felt comfortable with them and felt that I belonged there. Our conversations were easy and connections piled up as we rolled through various topics. I met more sisters in ADPi as the event went on and have learned that everyone brings something unique to the table, but that they are all kind, intelligent and have inspiring hearts. Seeing all that my sisters are doing inspires me to do the same. I have met some of the kindest people through ADPi. Here are some of the sisters that inspired me to join ADPi and have shown me why it is so amazing:

Amanda for her genius ideas and kind heart.

Caitlin for her positive spirit and effortless humor.

Carson and Bri for their welcoming souls.

Jackie for her friendliness.

Claire for her helpfulness.

Emily for making me feel at home during our first conversation.

These women are just some of what make up my reasons for “why ADPi”. They have shown me what it means to be an ADPi sister and what you can do when you are one. I chose ADPi because of the women who made the conversations and connections easy, that it didn’t feel as if I was “new”. Choosing ADPi was easily one of the best decisions that I have made in my life thus far.

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