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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Let’s Hear It For The Boys: A Letter From Our Mane Man, Jonah.

So this is a blog.

For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Jonah and I am a Mane Man for Alpha Delta Pi! This basically means that I am one of four guys that has been chosen for ADPi’s version of a “sweetheart” for the 2019-2020 year. I am going to be a senior this fall studying Business Management!

I’ll admit, this is the first time I’ve ever written in this medium, and I spent days trying to figure out where to begin because this is all very new to me! After much debate, and especially given the circumstances of everything happening in the world right now, I decided that I want to take a moment to talk about happiness and unity as we are faced with a time where we all need these things more than ever.

I think it’s important when faced with uncertainty to remind ourselves of what it means to be together. There are often so many times where I find myself feeling alone or overwhelmed. but I always take solace in knowing the people I am honored to call my friends will always be there for me. Even from an outsider’s perspective, such as my own, I can tell that the bonds shared between sisters is no joke, and you all are so incredibly lucky to be a part of something so unifying!

One of my favorite memories from my time spent at ASU was how quickly I have been welcomed as an extended member of this family, even before the days of the Mane Man competition. My coaches, Kaili and Brenna, were always very supportive of me and I knew even if I didn’t win the competition, the friends I made as a result of it will be something I hold onto for the rest of my life.

And that gets me thinking, if I can make memories like those in just one week, I can’t even begin to think of all the amazing stories/connections you all have made being members for years!

Something that I’ve always valued in the Greek community as a whole is how it brings all sorts of people together that otherwise may not have the opportunity to meet. Your differences are what make you unique, and the best part is the term “sisterhood” can mean different things to each of you, while simultaneously unifying you.

As we go through these trying times remember this:

No one will be able to take away the bond you all share! Whatever may happen in the future, take solace in knowing your sisters will always be there to support you, and the memories you make will last you a lifetime. I’m honored to be able to play a part in some of those memories and I could not be more PROUD to call myself a Mane Man.

I hope you all have a great (and safe) summer! Expect to see a welcoming gift for you in the fall!


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