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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

New Friendships, Sisterhood, and Feeling At Home: Isabella’s Why ADPI

Going into my freshman year at ASU, being far from home for the first time (1,795 miles to be exact) was scary. I bet it was scary for anyone, even if they were close to home. I had to meet new people, make new friends, live without parents, and adjust to a new lifestyle. I knew that I wanted to get involved at the university, but I didn’t know what that was going to look like. My dorm room neighbor wanted my roommate and I to go with her to the introduction day of fall recruitment. To be honest, I was not fully sure on going because I didn’t know anything about it. No one in my family was involved in Greek Life and none of my college friends were either. However, I met a girl over summer back home who goes to ASU and she recommended going through recruitment. After the meeting, I had a completely different view of what it meant to be in a sorority and realized it was something I wanted to pursue.

Going through recruitment, I had no expectations of what it was going to be. I just knew I had to be myself and honest with the people I was talking to. I started to feel drawn towards ADPi during the second round of recruitment and I didn’t know exactly what it was at the time, but time always flew when I was with them. I especially remember talking to Mikayla Ferrara during the fourth round. We talked about dog movies and I felt so comfortable and the conversation was always so easy. I felt that here I could truly be myself.

When I got my card saying I was in ADPi I was so happy. Running home was the best feeling. I could tell that it was going to be a great experience and I couldn’t wait to see what else there was in store!

I think it is important to throw out that I am on the shy side so going to events, even chapter meetings, and not knowing many people, was out of my comfort zone. But, gradually, I started to meet more people and grow in my personal confidence. At our first formal during fall semester, I didn’t really know anyone. But, on the bus ride over, I met my amazing friend Jillian Bowers and I can’t wait to room with her next semester!

ADPi started to feel like home. Second semester I started going to more events and it made such a difference. I was starting to meet more amazing sisters in the chapter and it became easier to get out of my shell. ADPi has encouraged me to be well rounded, helped me understand the importance of giving back to the community, taught me what it means to be a good sister, and shown me how to best provide support for my sisters. Every day I am amazed at the kindness in this chapter and the love for one another despite how different we all are! I am so ready for next semester, I can’t wait to see everyone again!

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