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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Open Recruitment, Instant Connections, and Best Friends For a Lifetime: Briana’s Why ADPI

My experience with joining ADPi was a bit different than most other people’s. Unlike some of my other sisters, I went through COR, which is a continuous open recruitment process later in the semester or year after formal recruitment. The events tend to be a bit more casual and you get to know the chapter members through fun events, such as game nights. I decided to go this route because I tried the formal recruitment process and it personally didn’t work well for me. The reason I decided to go to ADPi’s open recruitment event was because of someone I met during the formal recruitment process.

It was day one, round one, and my first house was Alpha Delta Pi. That was when I met Lauren Highstrete. We had a great conversation and found out we shared a multitude of similar interests like Green Day, Pokemon, and astrology. I didn’t want the conversation to end. After day one, I was really hoping I’d get to speak to Lauren again. During round two, I walked back into the house and I sat with Lauren again. I was so excited to see her and we continued our conversation from the previous round.

After the third round, I decided for personal reasons that the process wasn’t the best for me. However, I saw a few days later, ADPi was holding a continuous open recruitment event and I decided to go. I had so much fun at the event. I sat at a table with about ten other women and we talked and played games for a few hours. It felt really nice and welcoming and it solidified my desire of wanting to join ADPi. When I got a phone call extending me a bid, I excitedly accepted.

I showed up to Bid Day and finally saw Lauren again, but this time, she was both my friend and my violet sister, otherwise known as a bid day buddy. That evening, she took me to get boba and we talked for hours about our similar interests and hobbies. I left that day feeling so happy with my decision, knowing I made the right one.

Lauren was the greatest violet sister to me. She made me feel welcome since day one of formal recruitment and continues to do so. She would invite me out for dinner after chapter meetings and even helped me get to know some of her closest friends in the chapter. Lauren was always there for me whenever I needed someone, despite the fact that we had just met. I just felt a strong bond with her.

Alpha Delta Pi continued to become even more of a home for me during Big/Little Reveal. I got a text from Trystan D’Amico, Lauren’s other violet sister, asking if I wanted to get coffee with her since we were speculating that we may have the same big. When the reveal finally happened, we found out that Lauren was our big and that we were twins! I was so happy and excited to become part of our own little family.

After the reveal, we all got dinner together and we talked for hours on end. I found out how much I had in common with Trystan, too! The three of us all shared similar interests and music tastes. I felt like it was all coming together.

The bond between Trystan and I has continued to grow ever since then. She’s been there for me through it all. From the time I missed my flight and she picked me up from the airport to when I got ill during COR this past semester and she made sure I got home safely. There have been so many times when I’ve felt sad or alone and I can always count on my ADPi family to be there for me. I have many treasured memories of Trystan and I hanging out with Lauren and her roommate at their apartment.

Joining ADPi has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. I’ve gotten to meet so many wonderful women that I get to call my sisters and I finally feel like I have a sense of belonging in this place far away from home. My big, Lauren, was definitely one of the main reasons I wanted to keep coming back to ADPi and my twin Trystan has become one of my best friends. We’re all so close and I’m so grateful I have them in my life. We talk everyday and I don’t know where I’d be without them and without ADPi. I can’t wait to be back on campus in the Fall and for us all to be reunited.

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