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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Trying New Things and Always Having a Helping Hand: Mikayla’s Why ADPI

I didn’t believe I was a sorority girl. I didn’t go through recruitment my freshman year and it was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. That year was hard for me as I was in a major I didn’t enjoy and I barely made friends. I noticed the people around me who joined a sorority and how their experience was. So, my sophomore year, I decided to go out of my comfort zone and go through formal recruitment.

As any person will tell you, you have to trust the process. I honestly didn’t believe that at first, until I got to round three. During my visit to Alpha Delta Pi in the third round, I met the person who would become my Big, Ashley, and my favorite person I’ve ever connected with in this chapter. We talked about our families and realized how much we had in common. We ended up crying together and that’s when I knew I had to be in Alpha Delta Pi. After preference, I was so nervous that the sorority didn’t feel as if I belonged. I was nervous for the rest of the day and could barely sleep that night.

Then it was Bid Day. Sitting in the ballroom of the Greek Leadership Village Community Center waiting to open my bid terrified me. All I could think was “am I going to be a member of Alpha Delta Pi?!” After opening the envelope, I cried. Tears ran down my face when I saw it said ADPi wanted me. It felt like the best day of my life. I ran home to an amazing Bid Day experience and the rest is history.

Arizona State University is such a large school. Sometimes I feel like such a small fish in a big sea. Everywhere you look, there are people you don’t know. But, joining ADPi made it seem like I’m not alone anymore. On the first day of economics class, I walked in and spotted Amanda and Alivia. Each day, we ended up sitting next to each other. Obviously we paid attention to class, but there may or may not have been times where we looked at big/little themes and planned out baskets to give our future littles!

When you join a sorority, you are joining a sisterhood. You are creating relationships that will last a lifetime. If you want to go on a Target run, someone is there to spend hundreds of dollars with you. If it is 2 a.m. and you want to take a walk around campus, someone is there for you. When I had an allergic reaction and barely had any money, Brenna went to Walmart and bought me Benadryl so I would be okay. These girls are always there for me no matter what the situation is.

People say that you buy your friends in a sorority, but it’s not true. You buy amazing experiences that you share with people you truly care about. Without this experience and my chapter, I wouldn’t have met these amazing girls, nor would I have experienced wild adventures like paint balling! No matter what the situation is, they are always there for me. Joining a sorority has been an absolutely amazing experience for me. I’ve made amazing friends along the way and if I had the chance to do it all over again, I absolutely, 100% would. 

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