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From the Girls of Gamma Rho

Why ADPI: From Breezy’s Point of View

While going through recruitment, everyone was constantly saying “trust the process” or “you’ll know when something feels right”, but for me, going through recruitment I never felt completely sure. Maybe that was just me being indecisive and wanting to keep options open, but with every round and every house I would walk in, I would have great conversations, meet great people and repeat it all over again not really having one house or conversation that stuck out. As the days went on, I still wasn’t sure about the whole sorority experience but I promised myself that I would stick it out for as long as I could just so I wouldn’t have any regrets. When it came to Bid Day, I was fine with whichever house I got, but I would look around and see girls crying with excitement or being over the top happy and I didn’t feel overly excited. I just felt okay.

Fast forward a couple of months to our Big/Little reveal. Maybe it was the sense of finally having a close group that I would be able to center myself around in such a big group of girls, but that was my turning point. That was when I knew that I would feel at home. Once I was matched with my big and my twin, I felt like ADPI was the one for me. I remember waking up the morning of the big reveal and being so nervous about who my big would be because the week leading up to the reveal we were supposed to go on these “dates” with the other girls in the sorority, but I was so busy that I didn’t get the chance so I was going into Big/Little reveal with absolutely no idea who I would be paired with.

The way my year’s reveal was set up was that all the new members would be given a shirt and they would have to try to find the girl/girls with the same shirt. I remember looking around at all the other new members and seeing that Lily H. had the same shirt as me and that gave me some comfort in knowing that, no matter who my big would be, at least she was my twin because I had talked to her before and we got along pretty well. When everything was ready, we finally were moved into the room with all the bigs waiting for their littles to come and find them and I remember looking directly at my big, Olivia, and just knowing that everything was going to be okay. Even though I hadn’t really talked to her before she was still so excited to have me as a little and that made me finally feel wanted and at home with ADPI.

During this time in quarantine my “WHY ADPI” has grown from being accepted and comfortable with just a small group of people to being able to open myself to so many other girls. Before this, I never imagined myself being as close to as many girls as I am now. From face-timing Amanda pretty much every other day to talk about absolute nonsense or help tutor her in Poli-Sci to having month-long Snapchat streaks with girls that I barely even talked to throughout the school year because I was always so busy. As weird as this may seem, me being forced to leave school may have been one of the best “bonding techniques” yet. Because of this weird and unusual circumstance, I have learned that my “WHY ADPI” is always evolving and changing to include more reasons as to why I chose to stay in my sorority.

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